The out-door, April/May lambing commercial flock is the real boiler room of our business. With our changes in grazing strategy and genetics we have been able to lift ewe numbers from around 1,300 Mule and Texel crosses, up to a maximum of 1,900 of our NZ Romney composite ewes. With the introduction of the deer enterprise, numbers have now slipped slightly to around 1,750 ewes, which also incorporate Lleyn, Cheviot and our Texel genetics. We run a strict culling policy, with first time offenders for less critical traits being demoted into a “B mob”, which is mated to our Suffolk rams and treated as a terminal flock. This hopefully ensures that our main “Maternal” flock is constantly improving and will give us and our customers more consistent results and an easier life!
As the next step in the evolution of this flock, the top 50% of ewe hoggs were mated to lamb in 2020. No ewe lambs born in the second cycle are retained. A draft of commercial ewe lambs are sold in early autumn each year.